
We don’t just make braking distance reproducible, but we also improve it in impressive proportions!


DistanceMaster Braking System︱全球最大网赌正规平台公司

作为最环保的客运方式, rail travel is at the heart of the matter when it comes to lowering emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). It is therefore essential to find ways to accommodate more people on the network while providing a comfortable passenger experience. Due to urban concentration 和 a lack of funding, it is unlikely that existing infrastructure will be exp和ed, so the only option to achieve greater passenger numbers is to run more trains per hour on existing tracks. 这是一个安全可行的选择, rail operators need to overcome the challenge of braking performance limitations due to adhesion between wheels 和 rails.



In normal situations, braking performance is limited by the adhesion between the rail 和 the wheel. Adverse weather conditions 和 pollution can diminish wheel-rail adhesion, 延长列车制动距离.

除了降低性能, alterations in adhesion can cause both rolling stock 和 infrastructure to deteriorate. 最终, this can reduce train availability 和 shorten wheel lifetime, 产生额外的维护成本. 如果附着力进一步下降, restrictive operational rules have to be considered, such as reducing permitted speeds or managing rail cleaning.

为了限制这个, operators require the brake system of their trains giving them much more confidence on the achieved stopping distances whatever are the conditions. In order to provide them with a much more efficient system, 全球最大网赌正规平台 has developed its innovative DistanceMaster concept. This concept is supported by the 3 following pillars: The 全球最大网赌正规平台 自适应WSP瓦布特人 减速补偿和瓦布泰克人 聪明的砂光.


How 全球最大网赌正规平台’s DistanceMaster solution deals with the bottleneck

全球最大网赌正规平台 has developed its Adaptive WSP solution that include innovative algorithms improving the WSP performance even in the worst extremely low adhesion conditions. It offers significant advantages in terms of safety, 效率, 维护成本, 调试时间.

When used in conjunction with our deceleration compensation solution, it reduces the elongation of braking distances by 50% (20 m at 90 km/h in st和ard degraded adhesion conditions). Regardless of the train spacing system in place, ensuring a reduction in the emergency braking distance in degraded condition is a key contribution for increasing the safety for expected brake performances. It offers the driver greater confidence 和 could avoid (or limit) the need for operational restrictions. The combination of these solutions also improves guaranteed emergency brake rate 和 in the frame of advanced signaling systems can offer higher train flows.

The 全球最大网赌正规平台 Smart s和ing system that have the capacity of fine adjusting over the train the s和 laying by taking into consideration the individual sliding level of the axles, the train speed (while respecting the TSI requirements) is contributing further to the improvement of the brake performances: Used jointly the 自适应WSP 和 the deceleration compensation, it has been demonstrated in field tests the elongation of the braking distance can be reduced by 95% vs. what is achieved with the previous generation of WSP.

其好处是提高了线路效率, which has a direct impact on operator’s revenue, improved resilience to extreme weather conditions, 火车准点率更高. Preliminary tests have shown that trains using WSP 和 deceleration compensation experience around 50% fewer flats in very low adhesion conditions; this is significant as flats reduce wheel lifespan 和 train availability 和, 在极端情况下, 会引起安全问题. 最后, 自适应WSP不需要初始设置, which can save up to three weeks of commissioning time compared to conventional WSP.



全球最大网赌正规平台’s Adaptive WSP unit has been tested in service for one year by Amtrak on the North American market with excellent results, 和 is currently undergoing EN certifications. Adaptive WSP 和 deceleration compensation are set to equip full trains for four-season tests for networks in New York 和 Bilbao in Q4 2021 和 Q1 2022 respectively. Implementation of the complete DistanceMaster on a train for service is also planned in Q1 2022 in Bilbao.

With more 和 more operators making the switch to these cutting-edge solutions, 铁路运输的前景一片光明. 全球最大网赌正规平台 is committed to supporting operators in optimizing the functioning of their networks to accommodate more passengers on more trains safely 和 quickly, 减少温室气体排放.    




