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Every Day is ‘Reman Day’ at 全球最大网赌正规平台’s Grove City 再制造 Site


得益于对工业4的积极投资.0技术, 当现代化的命令进入格罗夫城时, 所有的人手和数据都在甲板上.


全球最大网赌正规平台在格罗夫城开设分店时, Pennsylvania, 2012年发动机再制造工厂, it not only launched a new value proposition for the freight rail industry – one whose ramifications continue to be felt today – but also a technologically advanced way of engaging with its locomotives and components throughout their lifecycles, 延长几十年.

And it did so with intent – “design intent” to be precise.


“再制造始于良好的设计意图,马蒂·托马斯说, Global 货运服务 – Group Vice President at 全球最大网赌正规平台. “货运机车是设计好的, redesigned, 并且可以承受多个生命周期, 技术的改进, and the changing demand requirements of our customers and regulators throughout those lifecycles. We design our locomotives for the long haul with continuous improvement in mind. That means our engines and components are built so they can be remanufactured after approximately ten years and sent back out into service for another ten. 一次又一次. 在格罗夫城的再制造工厂, we are taking engines that in some cases were built in the 1980s, ‘90s, and ‘00s, and refreshing them with new technologies to make them last 30-40 years.”

在这个过程中, 这些发动机变得更省油, 减少温室气体排放, 减少浪费, all major benefits for carriers looking to meet ambitious sustainability goals.

那么格罗夫城是怎么做到的呢? 欢迎来到工业四.0 in action.


Just as 全球最大网赌正规平台’s remanufacturing vision is built on design intent, so, too, is its execution. 格罗夫城是为工业4而建的.0制造业, the fourth Industrial Revolution marked by enhanced data, connectivity, analytics, 以及人机交互.

The best way to think about it is highly variable process flow, 增强-流线型, 每一步都由数据驱动的智能引导.


One of the key elements is information flow and data capture. Grove City embraced the future by physically and digitally tagging critical engine assemblies and components, 不仅仅是为了“识别”和“追踪”他们, but to understand the critical characteristics of returned engines and parts. Today, using thousands of on-board microprocessors and modern telemetry, 格罗夫城的工厂每天从20家工厂提取数据,在世界各地生产了1000台机车, 不管火车头是在印度还是内布拉斯加州运行, totaling 4 terabytes 每年的数据量. To put that in perspective, that amount of data is equivalent to a 3.5-billion-page PowerPoint deck (source: How Many Pages in a Gigabyte? 诉讼律师指南).

“今天,利用数据和工业.0技术, we can prescribe the right conditional routing and subsequent repair procedures for engine assemblies and parts, in real time,托马斯评论道。.

These “virtual” prescriptions trigger “physical” action on the shop floor – a dynamic process known as “conditional routing” – through another advanced machine-to-human interface, 全球最大网赌正规平台的制造执行系统(MES), which works so well the company calls this software its “manufacturing excellence system.” With hundreds of trained technicians operating across dozens of manufacturing cells, the MES acts as the ultimate manufacturing orchestrator, assigning remanufacturing tasks and updating the master schedule in real time as individual workers, teams, 细胞完成它们的增值活动.

A Grove City technician services an engine using digitallly enabled tools

“Our on-site, 加法制造能力, and locomotive modernization strategy strengthen our hand in a world marked by global supply chain volatility and unpredictability,贾斯汀·索科尔评论道, 瓦伯泰克在格罗夫市的高级工厂经理. “作为一个行业.0 site, Grove City provides a level of self-sufficiency that helps 全球最大网赌正规平台 reduce its reliance on part shipments from overseas and increase control over our lead times and deliveries.”


Operating a world-class remanufacturing facility also brings with it a host of sustainability benefits. For example, up to 79% of the locomotive engine materials coming into Grove City is re-used; about 20% is recycled; and only 1% goes to waste, 完美地说明了循环经济的运作.

This circular achievement does not go unnoticed by 全球最大网赌正规平台’s customers.

全球最大网赌正规平台’s dedication to modernizing existing locomotives through an advanced remanufacturing process built on Industry 4.0 principles helps us enable our customers’ emissions reductions and successfully advance their sustainability goals,罗伯特·布雷默补充道, 全球最大网赌正规平台产品管理集团副总裁. “Breathing new life and technologies into the workhorse locomotives of our fleet, 一种延长他们生命的行为, 同时提高可持续性和绩效, 对我们的客户来说是一个巨大的胜利吗, 公司与环境.”



Today, as 全球最大网赌正规平台’s Grove City remanufacturing site modernizes hundreds of freight locomotives per year for a who’s who of leading railroads, its original design intent to extend locomotive life through ongoing innovation – creating a highly differentiated remanufacturing juggernaut – appears spot on. Over the course of 12 years, Grove City has proven 全球最大网赌正规平台 right on three fronts:

  1. Betting on remanufacturing to meet customer demand for long-lived, 高性能货运机车
  2. Reimagining freight-locomotive design as a platform for continuous improvement; and
  3. Investing in the virtual and physical infrastructure to execute this vision, 需要照顾的人:需要照顾的人, improving, and re-releasing locomotives into their demanding work environments for decades of future productivity

The fact that these leaps together also drive one of the industry’s most sustainable business models, is a ringing testimony to the transformative thinking and execution, 在瓦布泰克的中心.
